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A child is waiting: Isaieh loves Legos, animals — and ‘dad jokes’

Depending on exactly when you catch up with 14-year-old Isaieh, you might find him playing with his Rubik’s cube or an Nintendo game or his Baby Yoda, or browsing through books at the library (especially Harry Potter or anime), watching a Marvel series movie, shooting hoops outdoors, or enjoying being in school with his teachers and classmates.

Isaieh loves animals, real or stuffed, and would love to be placed with a forever family that has pets.

“Isaieh likes playing football and hopes to join a team, and he is very good at building things,” his worker says. “He makes things with Legos that I think are hard to do, but he can do it. I don’t even know if I could do that.

“He is such a kind soul…so gentle. He is quick to love and build connections with people. He is very generous and willingly shares his toys. He’s not a selfish kid. In some ways, he seems ‘young’ for fourteen, but he is a caretaker. He loves helping kids, and this leadership makes them feel comfortable, safe and included.

“When I visit him,” she continues, “Isaieh gives me an instant smile and says, ‘I missed you!’ He likes to make me and others laugh and will tell corny jokes. He has a great disposition in life and is a happy kid. I’ve never seen him unhappy.

“He is extremely resilient and is able to have hard and complex conversations for his age, while remaining optimistic. He is a loving, sweet and smart boy who deserves a chance to join a loving family.”

Isaieh’s worker believes he should be in a one- or two-parent family who will love him unconditionally, be patient with him and be willing, with consistency, to help develop his independent skills and his learning.

“Isaieh needs quality time and long-term commitment with a family to build connection and a strong foundation to aid in his success.”

And what does Isaieh ask for?

He wishes for family that could do lots of things together: eat dinners, go on vacations, play games, have fun and, hopefully, sharing the love of a family pet — especially a dog.

For more information about adoption, fostering or mentoring, contact Orchard’s Children’s Services at 855-694-7301.

Isaieh (Photo by Camren Clouthier, courtesy of MARE Heart Gallery)